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Eau Claire Airport Shuttle to MSP

Ride Landline’s premium airport shuttle from Eau Claire, WI Chippewa Valley Regional Airport to any airline at Minneapolis St. Paul International Airport (MSP)

Schedules are subject to change and vary by day of week. Most up-to-date departures/arrivals are available when booking.

Please note Landlines depart promptly at your scheduled time.

For the most accurate and up to date schedules, please search by location and date at the time of booking.

Eau Claire (EAU) to Minneapolis (MSP)

Mon, Thu, Fri10:45 AM12:25PM12:40 AM
Sat11:35 AM1:15 PM1:30 PM
Sun11:05 AM12:45 PM1:00 PM

Minneapolis (MSP) Eau Claire (EAU)

Mon, Thu, Fri, Sat, Sun4:50 PM5:10 PM6:45 PM

About Landline’s Eau Claire Service

Make your next trip more comfortable and convenient with Landline’s non-stop service from Eau Claire to Minneapolis St. Paul International Airport (MSP).

One-way fares from:
Adult: $35 & up

Let Landline’s premium airport shuttle service from Eau Claire, WI to Minneapolis St. Paul International Airport (MSP) be the best part of your travel day. Avoid the stress and expense of driving, parking, or ridesharing and instead opt for Landline’s comfortable, wifi-enabled vehicles. Get caught up on work or stream your favorite shows with free wifi. Our friendly staff will help you with loading and unloading your luggage at both Eau Claire and MSP to ensure a smooth and efficient trip.

On your journey you’ll experience the comfort and convenience of Landline’s modern vehicles, equipped with amenities like air conditioning, power outlets, and leather seating. Landline is the perfect choice for business and leisure travelers or college students looking for safe, reliable, hassle-free shuttle service between Eau Claire, WI and MSP.

Have questions?
Please contact our team at 1-888-428-1149 via text or chat with us!